As a trainer it is most important that I have the current knowledge of all legislation, regulatory requirement and code of practices, relating to Construction work activity and health and safety.
Health and Safety is the key piece of legalisation for my area. The Health and Safety at Work Act (1974). This Act provides a framework for ensuring the health and safety of all employees in any work activity. It also provides for the health and safety of anyone who may be affected by work activities for example employees, visitors to work sites, including members of the public and other contractors. (
Keeping up to date is crucial with health and safety matters, …show more content…
these are easily obtainable from the HSE Website and other online resources. One way in which I would review Health and Safety would be to complete and review risk assessments of work activities, this would indicate areas needing attention, this would include the testing requirements of all plant and equipment that would be used to carry out any works, The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) requires, every employer to ensure that work equipment is suitable for the purpose for which it is provided, (
I would supply my learners with suitable and adequate information on safety while in the facility utilised for the training, this would include fire exits and emergency fire procedures muster points etc within the building. Learners must cooperate to provide a safe and healthy work area. Observation is paramount in a working environment such as in an office or on a construction site, an example of this would be reporting obstructions and poor housekeeping which is the main reason for slips and trips, covered by The Management of Health and Safety at work Regulations (1999); to maintain and improve safe working conditions. This includes training to ensure competency and continual monitoring of risk that could cause harm on an on-going basis, known as risk assessment..
Training would be given on correct use of protective clothing and equipment. Manual handling techniques, working at height and many other subjects related to working In the construction industry, all persons employed must wear PPE when at work, this includes learners (trainees and apprentices) The Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations (PPE) 1992, This legislation requires employers to identify through a risk assessment activities which require special protective equipment (gloves, safety glasses, safety boots etc) to be worn or used. PPE should be supplied free of charge by the employer.
Compliance with the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 is very important, this is designed to consider the substances used and assess possible hazard to risk. In the construction industry many substances are used; an assessment on each one would be carried out: all substances must be labelled, stored and handled correctly to avoid incidents and injury. These regulations (often known as the COSHH regulations) require employers to assess and prevent (or at least monitor and adequately control) the risks to health from the use of hazardous substances used in the workplace. A hazardous substance is one which has, ‘’by law’’ to be labelled as 'very toxic', 'toxic', 'harmful', 'irritant' or 'corrosive'. It therefore includes many chemical substances. (
Other legalisation beneficial to me;
The Data Protection Act (1998), this governs the protection of personal data. When the employees are carrying out internal training, we have a secure office building: ‘Confidential information on employees and trainees should be available to persons to whom consent has been given. Make sure you protect people’s personal details by storing records confidentially in a secure place.
Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992; to prevent skeletal and muscular disorders.
RIDDOR Regulations 1995 (reporting of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurrences regulations) - relates to injury at work.
H&S (First Aid Regulations) 1981 - all workplaces must have first aid provision
I would also ensure any hand outs I use for training purposes are legally distributable and do not infringe copyright.
While training in different establishments, I would also have to adhere to Codes of Practice (ACOPS) as well as the CDM Regulations and construction industry guidelines.
I agree with the Tomlinson Report 1996, ‘A good education system is not merely about offering access to what is available, but also the making of what needs to be available accessible: the moulding of opportunity’. (
It would be essential to ensure that The Equality Act 2010 is adhered to, this provides the right for everyone to have the opportunity to reach their potential regardless of many factors: gender, race, disability, age, religion, sexual orientation. No learners would be excluded for any reason, I would respect any needs of the learner, and offer my full support. (If you’re discriminated against for any reason under the act, the law could help you)
As a trainer within the construction industry, I would have a responsibility to ensure equality and diversity was practiced. I would make sure every learner had their say, and would not pre-judge anyone by their differentiation, I would ensure that I treat everyone with respect and include all learners at all times regardless of race, religion, sex etc. I would be aware of each learners needs and individuality, some may be obvious, some not so obvious. I would keep my work and attitude professional at all times, When planning and creating my lesson plans, I would make sure that I completed the equality and diversity …show more content…
I would use the Teaching/Training cycle, by identifying all of my learners needs. Finding out what your organisations, your own, and potential students’ needs are, carrying out initial assessments, and agreeing individual plans. (Gravells, 2012:11).
It is paramount that learners have a positive experience during courses, Initial and diagnostic assessment is among learners first experiences of your training and will influence their initial impressions. If the experience is positive, active and involving, this will help to create a climate in which learners are able to negotiate and take responsibility for their learning.
There are many ways to assess the needs of learners,
1) Documents and records give evidence of achievements and include qualifications, records of achievement, references, non-academic certificates and awards.
2) Self-assessment gives learners some idea of where their strengths and weaknesses lie. It is vital to take learners’ own views into account and to make the most of this knowledge.
3) Discussions and interviews allow the trainer and learner to get to know each other. They also provide an excellent opportunity to feed back the results of other assessment methods and to probe more deeply.
4) Assessment tools can play an important role in objective initial and diagnostic assessment of literacy, language and numeracy (LLN) skills. Tools are also sometimes used to assess occupational skills and learning difficulties and/or disabilities.
5) Structured group or individual activities during induction and early parts of the programme allow learners to apply specific skills. A free writing task, for example, gives a rounded picture of how someone actually writes. Such a task also helps to put learners at the centre of the assessment process because they can write about themselves and their interests.
Aided by these I will be able to determine if the leaner needs extra support, for example, learning difficulties and disability, by observing my learners I could asses this and cater for their individual needs.
Once I have gained the individual needs of my learners, I would plan my course outlines, room layout, materials and resources. Preparing a scheme of work, session plans and teaching and learning materials to ensure you cover the requirements of the syllabus, liaising with others. (Gravells, 2012:11).
To ensure my learners remained motivated I would use many different activities; demonstrations, books, power point, and video. Teaching and facilitating learning using a variety of approaches. (Gravells, 2012:11). I would also consider differentiation when planning my lesson and would create hand outs and activities to suit all learning needs.
It is equally important to monitor and review my own performance as a trainer in order to identify my weaknesses, as well as those of the learners. This could be achieved by general feedback throughout the course and at the end of the course via a questionnaire. Obtaining feedback from others, evaluating yourself, and the content of the training programme in order to make improvements for the future. Evaluation should also be an on-going process throughout all stages of the cycle. (Gravells, 2012:11), Concrete Experience, Reflection, Abstract Conceptualisation, Active Experimentation, which then leads in turn to the next Concrete Experience. ‘’Kolb’s (1984) Learning style’’
In order to remain professional it is very important not to get involved personally with my learners.
Favouritism should never take place and I would ensure careful consideration to my approach in order to remain within the boundaries.
From time to time I would be expected to work with other professionals and would remain professional at all times. Within my role I may be expected to attend meetings and other events. If I am unsure of anything, I would liaise with my colleagues, for further information and/or assistance.
To establish and maintain a safe and supportive learning environment I would always adhere to the Health and Safety Act 1974, and make sure there were no potential hazards, I would ensure the area for the training session has had a risk assessment and all potential hazards have been controlled, in addition to this I would carry out a visual risk assessment before, during and after each session. All learners would help with this process and would be made aware of this with the learning agreement. The room layout would also be significant on learning. There must be sufficient space around each working area, so the learner can move around with ease and feel comfortable within their learning
Ground rules are boundaries, rules and conditions within which students can safely work and learn. (Gravells, 2011:91). Setting a learning agreement on the first day of the course is most important, this can ensure good behaviour and respect for each other. A ‘reversal’ learning agreement is very constructive; this is an open discussion by the learners on what is ‘expected’. I find this method works as it’s the learner’s rules and it is down to them to adhere to them. An icebreaker is a good way for the learners to get to know each other and feel more at ease. I would form the learners into groups of pairs and ask them to talk about each other, and then in turns introduce each other to the rest of the class.
In summary my role as a trainer involves many factors, I would be responsible to work constructively with my learners, give positive feedback, and always point them in the right direction. I would adhere to all aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of Practice. I would make my class a safe, learning environment, build good relationships, and give the best opportunity for my learners to achieve their best potential on the training being carried out.
Gravells, A (2012), Preparing to teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector: The new Award.
Tomlinson Report 1996 from
HSE Legislation and Guidance,