
Explain The Three Stages Of Development

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Explain The Three Stages Of Development
This assignment will explore three stages of development of a baby at birth to three months, 3 months to nine months, nine months to one year. These three developmental stages will include typical behaviour’s by researching evidence and theoretical ideas. The nature nurture debate will be discussed by exploring the biological and social influences on the baby’s development. Two conditions which may affect the development of the baby are Prada Willis syndrome which will be referred as PWS during this essay and Downs’s syndrome. This assignment aims to explore how these two conditions affect the development and behaviour of the baby and how healthcare professionals may assist improved outcomes.
It is important for health and social care workers to understand research about different stages of human development because Eric Erickson’s theory of life stages suggests the implications of a disruption to human development at any given stage. For an example if an individual does not make it through a stage, this then affects the future stages. (Research the stages of development by Erickson (In books) and determine what is meant by a problem or disruption between stages and elaborate) then continue by
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At birth the neonate's movements are random with no co-ordination. After the first month the baby can hold their own head up for a few seconds and after 10 months can support themselves in standing by holding onto their parent or balancing on furniture. At this stage a babies cognitive skills are developed such as learning about sounds, smell, and sight. Reflex movements such as suckling and motor skills such as touching and the use of picking up objects from one hand to the other would also be developed which helps the babies understanding of the object. At 6-9 months infants respond to some vocal instructions. At one years old some infants can say around three whole words which usually consist of mummy or

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