First and foremost, sports need to start before dark, because you wouldn’t want the teams to leave the ball games very late and arrive home late. By keeping the schedule the same practice time would not run till dark. The latest practice goes to now in high school is seven o’clock. The schedule needs to stay the same because if not student’s hat play sports would miss out of class a lot because they would leave early out of class.
work would be the most important. Teenagers in high school have jobs and it would mess with their work schedule. Teenagers that work try to put as many hours as they can after school at a job. If school started late students wouldn’t make it on time to work, if school ended late. Students work after school to get hours and money at their jobs. So if school was to start late and let out late it would mess with teenagers work hours and could get fired and not have a job. School schedule should stay the same because work privileges.
Furthermore, homework would be another good example because if school started late they would dismiss school late and not give students time to do homework. So the school schedule should stay the same because of that reason to allow students to do homework. It would give students an opportunity to catch up with school work and allow them to finish their school work.
In summary, by keeping the school schedules the same it allows students to do more things after school and all. Students have the opportunity to do sports and leaving before dark. They would have the chance to work after school and put in work hours for more money. Homework time after school would be a good thing because students wouldn’t fall behind.