Sometimes I might help my mom fix dinner or i’ll wash dishes while she fixes dinner. My school is asking students if we should start adding one and a half hours to each school day. I say NO! At DMS we eat breakfast (for the kids who want) and lunch at school. If we keep adding a hour and a half to each school day we will be eating breakfast, lunch, and dinner at school, that’s taking away from family time at home. Before long we’ll be spending more time with our teachers than our parents/guardians. Some kids I know have to get there younger brothers and/or sisters off the bus, but with adding hours to our school days they won’t be able to. It’ll also interfere with after school activities. Kids attention spands at my school are very thin.
They back talk teachers, skip class, and get up and leave class. Some students don’t care about school and their grades, most of them don’t even do their homework and half the time they fail test/quizes. So they’ll probably be a decrease in grades, and maybe even an increases in absents. On the other hand there’s students who want to learn, get good grades, and they take the time to study for tests/quizes so they don’t fail. But they may be getting home later so they won’t have time to study or do homework, but if they study they’ll be going to bed late so in the morning they may be feeling tired and worn out. Therefor I don’t think our school board should add time to each school day. I think we should keep our schedule starting at 7:30 and ending at 2:30. That way we can get home do chores, play and go to any afterschool activities. If we changed our school hours that would interfere with parents/guardians work schedules. Now with the schedules our school has we don’t get to restless with the teachers or other