Students ask themselves “why does school have to start so early?” on a daily basis without receiving an answer. Usually, teens find it difficult to fall asleep early and get their 8 hours of sleep, therefore the next day they wake up early, and they're tired all day at school. That is a norm for middle and high school students, and it shouldn’t be. School start times are too early, and need to be change to a later time in order for students to get their full 8 hours of rest.
School starting times need to start at a later time because it is depriving kids and teens of their sleep, and it also adds on to their physical, emotional, psychological , and educational problems. Having school start later can benefit us in many ways, like reducing obesity, eating disorders, and diabetes. In other words, getting more sleep helps improve our health physically and emotionally. Also, it says that getting more sleep improves teen’s alertness, memory, attention, and processing skills. Furthermore, there are many benefits that can come from just lowering the …show more content…
School starting early means it’s probably going to end early as well, and that leaves time for after school activities or jobs. Getting up early for school is not good for the brain, students don’t “wake up” until 10 am; that means that students probably won’t pay attention or remember what they learned before 10 am. Also, homework and other responsibilities are very time consuming, and in order to complete all the tasks you have to make time for all of it, and the later school starts the later it ends; then students won’t have time to accomplish anything. Although many of those things are time consuming it would also be a good skill to know how to manage your time well; for example if you barely have time to do homework and chores after school it might not be a good idea to join a club or do a