
Why School Should Start Later

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Why School Should Start Later
Do you feel like school should be started later in the morning? Well, the school should start later. Instead of school starting in 6:30, maybe it should start at 8. If schools delayed the start of the school, communities will have reduced tardiness, sleeping in class, accident rates, improved attendance, and higher test scores. School starting at 8 will most likely decrease the number of students falling asleep in class. A boy named John goes to work at 3 pm and doesn’t get off until 10 pm. He wakes up every morning at 5:30 to catch the bus to make it to school on time. John falls asleep in class every day because he doesn’t get enough sleep. This causes him to fail his classes. If school started at 8 John would at least get in 8 hours of sleep and not be tired at school. This would mean John will be up to hear instruction and pass his classes. …show more content…
Teachers leave the school late and have to wake up early enough to get their class situated. Ms.Sunday leaves the school at about 7:30 every day. She has to go home to cook, clean, and make sure her kids are put to sleep. After a hard day, Ms.Sunday does not get to go to sleep until 11 at night. She wakes up at 4 in the morning to eat breakfast, try to beat traffic, and to take her kids to school. She arrives at the school at 6, with only a few minutes to spare she has to get the classroom situated and start a lesson plan. Ms.Sunday be so exhausted cause she has to rush to do everything and didn’t get much sleep. If a school would have started a little later Ms.Sunday wouldn’t have to rush. She would get enough sleep and wouldn’t have to be worried about

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