I am a diffident person which most times prevent me in putting myself out there, but I have done so before. I try to push myself to be more confident in what I do or try new experiences. When I was younger I would hardly talk to people because of how scared I was that people would judge me. I cared what others thought of me for the longest time but I was finally able to overcome this fear by accepting the fact that people are not perfect and everyone has their own flaws. I would get jealous when I saw how well and easy it was for someone to be charismatic and always wondered why it was so difficult to be myself and have a constant conversation. I will admit, I still am a bit shy, but to new people I present myself as otherwise so I can slowly be completely out of my shy
I am a diffident person which most times prevent me in putting myself out there, but I have done so before. I try to push myself to be more confident in what I do or try new experiences. When I was younger I would hardly talk to people because of how scared I was that people would judge me. I cared what others thought of me for the longest time but I was finally able to overcome this fear by accepting the fact that people are not perfect and everyone has their own flaws. I would get jealous when I saw how well and easy it was for someone to be charismatic and always wondered why it was so difficult to be myself and have a constant conversation. I will admit, I still am a bit shy, but to new people I present myself as otherwise so I can slowly be completely out of my shy