“A good employee orientation helps everything to make sense. When things make sense to us, (i.e. when we understand) we feel more confident. Confidence, in turn leads to a positive attitude. A positive attitude increases our capacity for learning and it is infectious and therefore is self-reinforcing.” (Troughton)
"Employee orientation should be an on-going learning process", according to the Novia Scotia, Canada government, which employees thousands of employees. The Nova Scotia Government states in its Employee Orientation Program Guidelines, that the learning process should begin on the employees first day to help the employee understand his/her job and performance expectations, the division and department goals and priorities as well as corporate goals and priorities. The guidelines also suggest that the orientation program should offer the use of multiple learning methods such as coaching, peer support, information sessions and online learning. The company may wish to provide both the supervisor and the employee with a check list to be used as a guide to the orientation process. As items are checked off, the company can be assured that the employee is learning everything he/she needs to become an effective and efficient, as well as an outstanding employee. ("Nova Scotia Government")
Learning objectives would include learning the company goals, objectives, mission statement, and key people of the company, as well as legal issues/policies involved with the new job, company policies, company culture, and job specific training (learning).
The orientation process should make a good first impression with the new employee. He/she should feel welcome and wanted. The orientation session should help to lessen and/or eliminate a new hires anxiety.
In today’s world of constant rushing - with items such as computers, as well as people, trying to move at lightening speed, thanks to our innovative technologies - employers often want to
References: Gilani, Natasha. “Stages of Orientation.” Chron. Hearst Communications Inc. 2012. Web. 8 Oct. 2012. http://smallbusiness.chron.com/stages-orientation-13917.html. "Nova Scotia Employee Orientation Program Guideline." Nova Scotia Government. Nova Scotia Government, n.d. Web. 8 Oct 2012. http://employeeorientation.gov.ns.ca/employee-orientation-program-guidelines . O 'Toole, Barbara. "Orientation Vrs. Integration." About.com/Human Resources. About.com. 2012. Web. 8 Oct 2012. http://humanresources.about.com/od/orientation/a/orientation.htm . “The Importance of New Employee Orientation.” Prime Resources. Prime Resources, 2009. Web. 8 October 2012. http://primeresources.com/Articles/Performance Management/the-importance-of-new-employee-orientation.pdf . Troughton, Bert. "Employee Orientation-Smart Starts, Part1." aspca Professional. aspcapro.org. 2012. Web.8 Oct 2012. http://www.aspcapro.org/emplopyee-orientation-smart-starts-part-1.php .