Good news! You found a talented candidate who will be a terrific fit for your firm. The offer has been accepted and all is set. The new hire will show up in two weeks.
It hits you then-oh no, you don't have a desk for the person; you will be out of the office and your in-house "subject matter expert" is swamped. Suddenly the good news begins to wane and you feel like an awful lot of work is yet ahead to prepare this new candidate for job readiness. With smart planning and ongoing communication, it will all get done.
Well, let's face it-an immediate positive impression will go miles. Just as you strive to create the right first impression with your clients, the same respect needs to be displayed to your new hire. This article will outline ideas for creating a smooth orientation and transition plan for new employees. Get everyone in your agency involved in creating a "welcoming culture" to everyone who joins your firm-regardless of position. It's cause for celebration!
Interestingly, interviews with employees who decide to leave a job reveal that their first sense of regret can be traced back to the first day on that job. Here is a sample of what we have been told: "I had no where to sit." "They forgot I was coming that day." "I showed up; no one knew I was starting that day and they left me in the waiting area for 30 minutes." "I thought it was just the first day-but they are always like this around here-unorganized."
Prior to start date
This candidate will soon become your new team member and employee. A smooth assimilation will enable you to continue your firm's productivity and create a positive impact and impression. We always recommend connecting two to three times prior to the individual's start date. Once the offer is accepted, you want to make sure that the candidate did submit his or her resignation and is committed to the start date discussed. In many cases, a candidate might be