M. Hickey Bloomsburg University, Department of History Access the Bloomsburg University site if you wish: http://facstaff.bloom.edu/hickey/ENDNOTE%20FORM.htm
In your papers, all quoted, paraphrased, or summarized material must be followed by a source citation.
I REQUIRE that you use endnotes for your source citations, using the form explained in the directions below. Be sure to read the directions carefully!
FAQs regarding endnotes:
What are endnotes?
How do I "make" the numbers?
What goes in the endnote itself?
What if I use the same source again?
What if I cite a document or an essay that is reprinted in a book (in a document collection of a "reader"?
What if I am citing an article from a scholarly journal?
What if I cite a webpage? Warning regarding plagiarism and guidelines on quoting, paraphrasing, and summarizing What are endnotes????
An endnote is a source citation that refers the readers ( that means ME) to a specific place at the end of the paper where they can find out the source of the information or words quoted or mentioned in the paper.
When using endnotes, your quoted or paraphrased sentence or summarized material is followed by a superscript number.
Let's say that you have quoted a sentence from Lloyd Eastman's history of Chinese social life. You have written this sentence:
According to Eastman, "The family was the central core of the Chinese social system."1
Analysis of the example:
Notice that there is a superscript number after the quotation. You insert the number by using your word-processor's "insert reference" (or citation) function.
The superscript number corresponds to a note placed at the end of the paper (which is called an endnote). Your word-processor will create a note number and a space at the end of your paper, where you then fill in the citation. This endnote lets the reader know where you found your