Part one is where they first meet. When Michael is throwing up outside Hanna's house she takes him in and cleans him up. But the relationship doesn't start until Michaels mother tills him to go and visit the lady that helped him when he was sick. Michael then starts paying her casual visits that turn into an everyday affair. Their relation starts very quickly into the sex scenes then after a few days Hanna asks Michael to read to her, at first he thinks it strange and asks her to read but she says. "You have such a nice voice, kid, I'd rather listen to you read it myself." But we later learns, in Part two that she is an illiterate.
They go on a bicycle trip during Michael's school holidays. One morning Michael leaves Hanna a note to say he was going out to get some breakfast. But when he returns she accuses him of just leaving and she said she didn't find any letter. She did see the letter but she couldn't read it so she pretends she didn't see it and calls him a liar. Hanna holds the power over the relationship in part one, because she doesn't want to seem weak and till him about herself and what she did. At the end of Part one Hanna leaves without saying goodbye or telling anyone where she was going. This is because she thinks she is getting too close to Michael and he might find out about her past and she only wanted him to read to her, not to have a real relationship.
In Part two their relationship is very distant and more politically involved rather then been very personal like in part one. It has been a few