In the article Exploring the Strategic Ground for Listening and Organizational Effectiveness the author provides excellent guidance on how to integrate listening into a strategic planning process for the hospitality industry. It is proposed that leaders who listen effectively can influence organizational processes at three levels of analysis – individual, team/interactional, and organizational (Brownwell, 2008). The development of strategic plans, however, is only the first step; leaders must also successfully implement the plans they design (Knotter, 1996). The challenge for hospital managers is how to implement the strategies to keep the company competitive and focused on their goals. The plans to implement those strategies normally are poor and the goals are not reached. In fact, some researchers estimate that as many as 9 of 10 strategic planning efforts fail, costing companies billions of dollars in labor (Speculand, 2006). This also leads to a decrease in trustworthiness in the organization. Employee’s confidence is increased as knowledge is transferred within an organization. Employees feel more part of the team when there is information sharing and it creates a learning environment. Individual, activities, and organizational levels are three areas leaders address. Brownwell proposes that leaders who focus on effective listening are best able to establish learning environments and are subsequently in the best position to implement the strategic plans that will facilitate high performance. Brownell’s HURIER listening model allows people to focus on areas that are related to their workplace needs.
While countless competencies have been proposed as critical to leadership effectiveness, we posit that few have as much potential as listening to facilitate the
References: Palmer, I., Dunford, R., & Akin, G. (2009) Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspectives Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin Brownell, J. (2008). Exploring the Strategic Ground for Listening and Organizational Effectiveness. Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, 8(3), 211-229.