Christine Joy B. Aguilar
Why do you think couples nowadays force themselves to divorce with their partners? Well
there are a lot of reasons. Nowadays couples would enter a relationship without taking it seriously,
after three to five years both would decide to let their marriage be divorce. Some reasons of failed
marriages are lack of communication, sexual issues, money, expectations, poor time management,
addiction abuse and negative personality traits. If any of these issues are causing problems in marriage
it may be time to deal with them. If after your best effort there is no way to resolve your problems,
divorce is always an option.
First is loyalty. Loyalty plays a big part in couples marriage life. Once entering on a
marriage life couples should keep in mind that we should be always be loyal to our partners and trust
one another. It would be very difficult for the relationship to last without a loyalty. (The Marital Virtue
of Loyalty para 6 and 9). Nothing would make you and your partner separate the both of you if you
have a good relationship with each other. No matter what happens as long as you both are loyal and you
both seem to trust each other then nothing will let you think that to let your marriage end up in divorce.
(10 signs of a commited relationships no. 2).
Second is patience. According to Garcia (para no. 3, 5, 11 and 12) Patience is also very
important when it comes to marriage. Without patience in marriage the relationship won't last longer.
Patience is the key to have a happy marriage life. Everyday in our lives we practice patience. We must
learn to recognize the strength's and weaknesses of our partners and learn