A Critique of: Boundaries in Marriage by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend
In their book, Boundaries in Marriage, the authors, Cloud and Townsend, present a theoretical model for maintaining healthy relationships, specifically marriage relationships. This examination of Cloud and Townsend’s approach to maintaining healthy relationships summarizes both the theoretical and theological orientation of their proposed model, compares their approach to the model proposed by Sandra Wilson in her book, Hurt people hurt people, and considers the model in the context of Dr. Hawkins concentric circle theory of personality, and parents a critique with regard to some’ of the perceived strengths and weaknesses of their approach.
Overview of theoretical orientation and process
Although much of Cloud and Townsend’s (1999) approach to relational health could be easily applied to most human relationships, as the title of the book implies, marriage is the context from which their thesis is explained. Marriage, they contend, is “first and foremost about love” (Cloud and Townsend, 1999, p.9). However, as they are quick to point out, love by itself is simply not enough for a marriage to thrive. They suggest love is assaulted and effectively weakened when freedom and responsibility problems are present within the marital relationship. Additionally, they assert that freedom and responsibility are two vital elements necessary for a healthy and loving marriage relationship. When freedom and responsibility are present within a relationship
A Critique of Cloud and Townsend
love is able to flourish. However, the absence of freedom and responsibility fosters fear, resentment, self-centeredness, and an imbalance of power and control, all of which drives love out of the relationship. They suggest, “when we do these three things-live free, take responsibility for our own freedom, and love God and each other-then life, including
References: Cloud, H., & Townsend, J. (1999*. Boundaries in Marriage. Grand Rapids: Zondervan Hawkins, R. (Speaker). (2009b). Hawkins model for guiding the counseling process. McMinn, M. R. (1996). Psychology, theology, and spirituality in counseling. Carol Stream: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Wilson, S.D. (2001). Hurt people hurt people: Hope and healing for yourself and your relationships. Grand Rapids: Discovery House Publishers