Though, has anyone thought of the effects it would have on ecosystems? If bees were to go extinct, they would no longer have the ability to pollinate many plants. Without those plants being pollinated, the animals that feed on those plants would starve due to a lack of food to share throughout the species. This would cause a great decrease in the level of biodiversity in our ecosystem, and most others considering the high number of plants bees pollinate and help to reproduce. For example, many cattle used to produce milk and meat feed primarily on alfalfa and lupins, both of which are heavily pollinated by insects. Without the correct insects to pollinate these plants, larger animals that eat them will grow fewer in numbers causing the human diet to change
Though, has anyone thought of the effects it would have on ecosystems? If bees were to go extinct, they would no longer have the ability to pollinate many plants. Without those plants being pollinated, the animals that feed on those plants would starve due to a lack of food to share throughout the species. This would cause a great decrease in the level of biodiversity in our ecosystem, and most others considering the high number of plants bees pollinate and help to reproduce. For example, many cattle used to produce milk and meat feed primarily on alfalfa and lupins, both of which are heavily pollinated by insects. Without the correct insects to pollinate these plants, larger animals that eat them will grow fewer in numbers causing the human diet to change