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1 Introduction 3
2 Contents 4 – 11
3 Summary 12
4 Reference 13 - 14
What are the factors that affect Job satisfaction, to understand this question in extend, we must first understand what “Job Satisfaction” is. Job satisfaction as by Archnahr (2006) is “One’s attitude towards his or her job, whether Positive or Negative.”
If looked into more details, Lawrence K. Jones (2011) States that there are different kind of job satisfaction, which is “Intrinsic” and “Extrinsic” Job satisfaction, Intrinsic job satisfaction is when workers only consider the kind of work they need to do, the tasks which make up their job. While Extrinsic job satisfaction is when the workers only consider the conditions of the work, such as their pay, coworkers, and supervisor.
Or as defined from Wikipedia “Job satisfaction is how content and individual is with his or her job”. Even in Wikipedia, Job satisfaction can be categorized into 2 categories, which is “Affective Job Satisfaction” and “Cognitive Job Satisfaction”. Affective Job Satisfaction is the extent of pleasurable emotion feelings individual have for their jobs, while Cognitive job satisfaction is the extent of that individual’s satisfaction with particular facets of their jobs, such as their Pay, Pension arrangements, and workings hours. Wikipedia (2012)
While as by Mosammod Mahamuda Parvin (2011) Job satisfaction describes how content an individual is with his or her job. It is a relatively recent term since in previous centuries the jobs available to a particular person were often predetermined by the occupation of that person’s parent.
After the definition from above, it is easier to identify the factors which affect Job Satisfaction, as the criteria to create Job Satisfaction have been identified.
In total, 8 article about “factors which affect Job satisfaction” were chosen and used
2.0 General Area
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