This last group lasted several months. The leaders of the group were known as the factory girls. The purpose of the girls was to stop a wage reduction that would have taken place on March 1st of 1836. These girls threaten the agents to stop all work if they did not stop the reduction in their wage.
According to the Journal report 800 to 1000 of girl joined the protest, their marched in unhealthy condition (“ankle-deep in mud”) 2. They were convinced …show more content…
The leaders knew that if they can make all of them to believe that together they would accomplish many things. So the main argument must have been if we are together it would be impossible not to be heard after all each one belong to this free nation, therefore they all knew not to be anyone slaves.
They knew the reduction of wage must be stopped because if did not something else would had happen later on. Like work more hours for the same amount of money or another reduction, or new rules that went against their rights. At the end they won the battle and their salary went a little bit up. Now each were pay two dollars and half.
The strikers refer themselves as the daughters of free men because the nation was free of Britain’s and they points was that they too belong to this nation and dessert respect just like everyone else who were free. They were treated like slaves, which was wrong. In a way the freedom are own to women too. The passage points out that indeed the women felt subordinate and deferential. The owners were getting richer and richer with the women