Narrative Essay
How would you interpret the saying “you must fail to succeed”? Do you tell yourself that failing is the end result? Would you apprehend the idea that failure leads to success? Accepting failure is a skill. I believe that in order to succeed, you must fail, and learn from you’re mistakes. People may think that there are no failures, and that many people are perfect, but no one is perfect. Everyone fails, some in good ways, some in bad. Failing is when a human has experienced a weakness, in their behavior, or ability to perform an activity. When you fail, you learn to realize that soon you will succeed if you work hard enough for it. You may think about all the successful people out there, but do you think about the people who fail, or give up? Some people don’t realize that the smallest mistake can change your life. Succeeding takes a lot of effort, time, failures, and attempts. To succeed it means to fight, and achieve the goal you were aiming for. The more you fail, the more you learn and succeed. I have personally experienced many failures in my life, but learned from each one. My mom always told me “do your homework” and I would just agree motionless. Next thing you know, I would do poorly on a test. Then, I would have no excuse to tell her that “I didn’t study, or do my homework”. I learned, and in the hard way that it’s easier to do well, and that all I had to do was study. A more traumatic time in my life is when I had an experience with a car ‘fender bender’. The day I turned 16 I had got my license and was waiting to earn my G2. My parents always told me the rules, and to be careful while driving. However, I still replied with “yes I know, I will don’t worry”. The main rule I had to follow considering my parents purchased the car for me was that I had to pay for gas, half the insurance, and any damages to the vehicle.
One day, I was pulling out of a parking lot, and I had side scraped another car. My head