One of the most important milestones in ToM development is the ability to understand false beliefs. One of the most prominent and popular tasks used to assess ToM ability is the false belief task. In addition, social competence and interpersonal skills have been established as necessary for understanding others and ToM ability (Airenti, 2015).
The false belief task includes two story characters, in which one child is engaging with an object then puts it away to go outside, while another child moves the object from where it was originally placed. When the child comes back from outside and wants to find the object, the participants are asked where this child will look first. The “correct” answer is that this child will look in the place where they originally placed …show more content…
It is shown that young children will tend to choose the answer that best fits their own state of mind (i.e., they will say that the child will look for the toy in the place they are thinking of). In a meta-analysis by Wellman et al. (2001), they discuss the
concept of ToM in relation to the false-belief task, and how these tasks provide evidence that children develop these concepts early in life. When children are able to recognize false beliefs (e.g., that an individual’s thoughts might not necessarily reflect the true nature of a situation), it increases their ability to differentiate perspectives and understand how mental states are independent from reality. They found that children as young as three years old fail at these tasks; they do not yet understand the distinction between reality and an individual’s mental state. However four and five year old children are said to have passed false belief tasks (Wellman et al., 2001). The authors have also gathered evidence to show that these measurements have been useful and reliable in showing a developmental course when examining performance in children. Therefore, false beliefs will be continuously addressed throughout this review as a significant indicator of ToM ability.