Mr. Smith
English 101
11 January 2015
Family Life Can Create Considerable Stress
School, work and social life oh my. That’s just stress, stress, stress isn’t it? Family, loved ones and close friends are supposed to be there for you and help relief all that stress, but that’s not the case all the time. Depending on your parent’s relationship, your stability of a home, and whether or not you have the type of home everyone needs, stress can get a hold of you. Once stress is in control your judgments on making good decision fall dramatically, and your choices aren’t the greatest anymore. How do I know? Well let’s just say experience has the best of me on this one.
For example, the relationship with my parents I think broke my heart more than it did theirs. Although they weren’t married, so I didn’t experience the process of a divorced family they still separated. I was about four and lots of people don’t remember that much when you’re that young, but I did. I remember the bond me and my father shared, we were inseparable. I remember the bond me and my dad’s mom had, she was my nana I felt her love no matter where I was. Subsequently my mother took me and left. That was family and she left without a problem. I was devastated, growing up that never left my mind, and how easy it was for her to just, leave. I let the stress build thinking of growing up without a father just got to me. Now I didn’t go through divorce papers, courts and custody battles I could imagine that’s a whole lot worse than what my situation was. But I do know the feeling of separated parents, I do know how it feels to think about having that family where everything was normal and you had them both by your side, in one place you can really call home.
Now being with divorced or separated parents is stressful just think you don’t want to choose sides you love them both. They both love you as well, that’s why they’ve set up this arrangement so you can switch every weekend, summer and/or