Times back then were good until that day when it all began. It was an average day there in Ohio. Dad went out to work to his office and mom went to the school to teach. Meanwhile, I went to school, with all my friends not aware of what I had coming. And then… when I got home all saw ten cars parked outside. I knew something was wrong, so I ran inside. Millions of things ran through my head and as soon as I opened the door the news burst out.
“Chris I have to tell you something” my mom said. Her eyes looked like they were holding back millions of tears. “What happened?” I replied worriedly. “Your father passed away”. Then there I could not help it but to cry as well.
Days passed by and no one said a word. Until we decided that maybe it was time to move on and start over. My mom got a new job down in New York; it looked like a perfect way to resume life. And actually at first it was. The kids at school seemed cool and my mom seemed have been enjoying herself. Even though you could tell deep inside she truly wasn’t.
My new friend Adam came over a lot to our apartment, at time, I thought he was my best friend. Then we got a little older and we got new friends and people started changing. Time went by fast and there was no stopping it. Every day my mom seemed more and more unhappy with her new job and for me everyday was a new chapter of a Shakespeare story. With all the stress I just didn’t no what to do.
And now…... I’m not sure how I got here but I’m standing at the edge of my hotel building’s rooftop. On top of that 50th floor, the people looked like little ants. Moving fast but no one truly