If you have found this page, there is information you are seeking about divorce law, divorce lawyers, the whole divorce process, residency requirements, child custody and more. Let's take a look at each one of these as it pertains to a dissolution of marriage.
Filing for Divorce - Divorce law
The law in each state is different. There are some common things …show more content…
Where Do I File
When Should Pursue Filing For Divorce
Once you have determined that filing for divorce is something that you want to proceed with, do it as soon as you can. The sooner you it, the faster it will come to an end.
If you feel that you are physically in danger in the relationship, A divorce petition is a good idea. You may also want to get a restraining order. If my children were in danger, I would file as soon as possible. You will want out of a toxic union as fast as it can be done. If there is a real danger of harm, filing for divorce should be done.
When Filing For Divorce, Where do you go to do it
When filing divorce papers, you or your divorce attorney will take the papers to your local courthouse. Check to see which office of the courthouse to do this. There will most likely be an information desk right inside the front door. They will be able to direct you.
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