➢ Please write a complete critical analysis of “Forrest Gump.” In order to receive the highest grade possible, you must include 5 specific terms from each area of filmmaking and explain how they are used in the film. This essay must be at least 5 paragraphs and no greater than 6 paragraphs. (A minimum of 5 sentences per paragraph)
➢ Please make sure that you discuss the following from the film:
• 12pts. Mise en scene/production design - Describe the setting, subjects and composition of the film. • 18pts. Cinematography – ▪ Lighting - Discuss the types of lighting used in the film as well as the direction of light used in the film. ▪ Camera - Discuss the various camera shots, camera angles and camera movement used in the film. • 5pts. Editing - Discuss the different editing techniques used in the film. How is the film cut? Is the editing continuous or discontinuous? • 5pts. Sound/music - Discuss the elements of sound such as vocals, sound effects, music and silence. • 5pts. Plot Structure – Beginning, middle and end? • 5pts. Format
I suggest that you take notes on the above elements and write your essay when the film is over.
Total points: _______/50 = ___ %
Key Lighting
Low key lighting
Fill light
Hard light
Soft light
Different directions of light (back, frontal, bottom, side, edge)
Shot Types
Close up
Extreme close up
Long shot
Extreme long shot
Medium shot
Camera Angles
Eye level
High Angle
Low Angle
Bird’s eye view
Dutch angle
The Moving Camera
Shot/reverse shot
Match cuts
Eyeline match cut
Parallel editing
Point of view editing
Jump cut
Fade in and fade out
Iris in and out
Split Screen
Fast Cutting/Slow cutting – the timing or pace of the cutting.