have yet been claimed by the impending zombie threat, but that could very well change if the campus continues in its current state of disarray.
Together, we, a team of five university students, have devised a plan of attack, a strategy by which to maintain order on campus, provide for the needs of all, and, most importantly, survive. By the creation of a governmental structure, headed by our team, terms and conditions will be provided concerning three main areas of management: Constitution of Law, Provision of resources, and Division of Labor.
First, as the primary point in our plan, we will be formulating a government structure founded upon a basic constitution. This constitution consists of a law code and basic structure of government. Us being the architects of such a plan, this government will be headed by us five, with faculty working close by as advisors on all our decisions. We also reserve the right, along with faculty vote, to promote and demote others to positions of leadership. As mentioned, the constitution will also contain a list of laws and regulations for general reasons of maintaining a baseline code of conduct and establishing order. It should be noted that a number of these laws are based upon those rules found in Zombieland.
Second, a major issue to be taken care of is provision.
We cannot survive this ordeal if we lack food, water, shelter, safety, etc. Assuming facilities continue to function, we’ll have running water for a time. However, if such an arrangement goes awry, the creek, once purified, should provide for us plenty. Campus has decent food reserves, and there will be periodic scavenge sessions to help keep the supply from depleting. Lindner Tower will probably function as the main base of operations and as the primary residential structure; it’s various floors, kitchen, other facilities make it ideal for living. Besides physical needs, there will also be provision for spiritual, mental, and emotional needs, as such will likely be a necessity considering the
Lastly, as the final point in our plan, there will be a division of labor amongst the on-campus personal. In order to maintain a steadfast, lasting community, based upon the communal structure of that seen in The Walking Dead, various duties will be assigned to groups of people to fulfill particular roles in survival. Security guards, likely the already present campus safety, will help to provide safety from zombies, but also keep residents in check. There will also be a scavenging force that, on occasion, will go out to revitalize our food supply and provide for other such commodities. There will be construction managers and designers who will help provide for defensive barriers. Besides large task forces, there will also be more particular duties like cook, custodian, teacher, etc. These jobs, in all, provide both community support as well as occupation to help keep residents’ minds off the horrors outside.
As was overheard, one of the opposing teams had suggested demolishing Judson structures as a method to eliminate a good portion of the zombie threat. Such a solution, were the numbers of the zombies of a lesser degree, would be quite effective. However, considering the sheer multitude of undead present just outside of campus, numbers likely flirting in the tens of thousands, the, at most, couple hundred that such an action would eliminate would put little a dent in the overall zombie pandemic. Also, those structures would be of better use, as residence, checkpoints, or storage, if left intact and secured.
All in all, with all of society at its wits-end, with chaos running rampant, with the threat of zombie-death looming on the horizon, the best plan of action is to unite as a whole, establish order, and do our best collectively to fight this thing. If we, under this three-part governmental structure, cooperate, our chances of making through this ordeal intact skyrocket.