Final outline
Introduction: Extraterrestrial Organisms (ETs) exist throughout the universe, and have visited Earth in the past in order to study humans. There are billions of galaxies in the universe, billions of solar systems in each galaxy, and multiple planets in each solar system, yet the majority of people believe that Earth is the only inhabitable planet in the universe. Although it may seem absurd, and to some even frightening, to believe that there are other planets with life on them, recent research shows that there may indeed be life in planets other than Earth, and recent data even goes further to show that ETs even conduct research on humans and generally have 5 kinds of contact. In order to prove that the existence of ETs, researchers conduct surveys of people that have been abducted (4th kind) in order to determine the similarities between their experiences. Also recent research shows that life on Earth may have actually originated from Mars, thus showing that humans may be ETs. Despite the recent evidence, people still ask why, if ETs actually do exits, don’t they show themselves? This may be attributed to a strategy or plan of the ETs.
Thesis: Extraterrestrial Organisms exist throughout the universe, and have visited Earth in the past in order to study humans.
1. There are five distinct kinds of alien contact.
a. “According to Hynek’s system a close encounter of the first kind is when someone merely sees a UFO (Note Card 10).
b. “A close encounter of the second kind is when a UFO affects the environment around it in some way- for example, by leaving a burn mark on the ground” (Note Card 11).
c. “A close encounter of the third kind is when someone sees aliens around a UFO” (Note Card 7).
d. A close encounter of the fourth kind is when someone is abducted by aliens and, as many abductees report, are experimented on and studied (Note Card 3).
e. The most rare type of experience is a close encounter of the fifth kind, in which a person has “extensive contact”