Shalicia Hawkins
COM321: Communication Theory
Instructor: Tamara Holmes
September 15th, 2014
Personal Constructs Paper In this assignment I will be given the reader insight on the types of judgments I make, I am thinking of specific people who fit the following categories: a family member, a teacher, a male friend, a female friend, a person I dislike, and a person I socialize with on a regular basis. I will choose two of these people and list five to ten adjectives to describe the ways in which these people are similar, and five to ten adjectives in which these people are different. Then I will choose two more people and repeat the process. Finally, I will choose one more person (or one of the persons I chose earlier) and compare them to myself. Then I will list five to ten adjectives to describe how we are similar and different. Then I will go into detail describing three concepts explaining how those constructs affect the way I communicate with others…….. Similar Different
Family member and a Female Friend…. Amusing Antagonistic Attractive Non-thinker Vibrant Arrogant Lively Lazy Faithful Conservative
A Teacher and Someone I Socialize With… Handsome