In a distinct development, former communist counties are leading a global tax reform revolution. For instance, Estonia was the first country which adopts a flat tax. The tax rate was a 26 percent in 1994, started after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Latvia and Lithuania followed shortly after Estonia using flat tax system in the mid-1990s. Latvia picked a 25 percent rate and Lithuania chose a 33 percent rate. Russia’s government discovered the benefit about the flax, so it learned from Estonia and renovated tax form to flat tax. Russia started adopting flat tax reducing the top marginal rate from 30% to 13 percent in 2001. The adjacent country, Serbia, implemented 14 percent rate flat tax in 2003. Then the following year, two new nations jointed flat tax union, Slovakia reformed a 19 percent flat tax, and Ukraine dropped its top rate from 40 percent to 13 percent in flat tax. The next successful nation which used flat tax was Romania with a 16 percent tax rate in 2005. Georgia, Macedonia the lowest flat tax rate nations in 2004, carried out a 12 percent of tax rate in the world. Poland's government also implemented an 18 percent flat tax. Follow the pace of Poland’s government, Croatia, Bulgaria, and Hungary commenced to use flat tax system. According to incomplete statistics, up to now, more than 30 nations and districts have been using flat tax system, such as Ireland, Singapore and Hong Kong China. Even including 7 states in American are executing flat income tax systems. They are Colorado 4.63 percent, Illinois 3 percent, Indiana 3.4 percent, Massachusetts 5.3 percent, Michigan 4.35 percent, Pennsylvania 3.07 percent, and Utah 5 percent.
After tax reform revolution, Russian government received positive consequence. The economy prospered, and revenues increased rapidly since used flat tax. Now, Estonian flat tax was decreased to 20 percent in 2007, because the government detected that flat tax effectively reduced tax evasion