The role of logistics in the successful functioning of an e-commerce venture is indispensable. All these innovative services will be ineffective if the products do not reach the customers on time. Here are some Best Practices of the Supply Chain of Flipkart:
Minimum Inventory- The Company has established a network of more than 500 distributors and only stocks frequently ordered items. Items like the 'Long tail' are almost always sourced from suppliers in real time and as and when the customer places an order.
Last mile delivery- The Company has 4 offices in 4 metros cities with more than 500 employees. Warehouses of the company are located in 7 cities including the metros. The company has tie-ups with more than 15 courier companies like Blue Dart, First Flight etc. to deliver their products and Indian post for areas where courier do not reach.
Depending on items purchased they are packed and shipped accordingly for example mobile phones and books are packed differently as per requirement and also all items have transit insurance against theft and damages that may be caused while they are in transit.
Cost of Delivery: Flipkart bears the cost of delivery and this make them give a reason/motivation for improving efficiency at every point of supply chain. This also makes them differentiate from their competitors. The delivery time varies