Firstly, ignorance is a bliss to a large extent as when Charlie was still ignorant, he always thought he had friends. He always thought that Joe Carp and Frank Reilly were his good friends and that they were laughing with him and not at him. From "My friends from the factory Joe Carp and Frank Reilly... I showed them and everone laughed when I told that Mr. Donnegan said I was the best janitor he ever had because I like my job and do it good and never miss a day except for my operation.", this shows that even though Joe Carp and Frank Reilly made him the butt of the joke, Charlie had always regarded them as his closest friends and he did not get upset when everybody laughed at him as he thought that he had said something amusing to everyone and laughed along as well, without knowing that he was actually the butt of the joke. This made him motivated and encouraging to know that he had friends.
Secondly, ignorance is also a bliss to a large extent as when Charlie was still ignorant, he enjoyed his life and job, even though they were neither good nor extravagant. From "I'm glad I'm going back to work because I miss my job and all my friends and all the fun we have there... I said Miss Kinnian always said Charlie be proud of your job becuase you do it good... we had fun at the factory today", we can tell that Charlie enjoyed every moment when he was working at the factory as he thought that all his colleagues were all very nice to him and found the working environment friendly. Apart from that, he also thought he had many nice friends and didn't feel that he was being ostracised or despised by his peers.
However, to a certain extent, ignorance is also a suffering as when Charlie was ignorant, he often felt inferior to his