Journal Entry 1: May 17th
My name is Ms Kinnian, I am a teacher at an adult rehabilitation centre and I’m of thirty-four years of age. All my students are intellectually capable as they could and should be. A neurosurgeon named Dr Strauss gave me this journal to write down my thoughts on what seems to be Charlie’s exceptional progress. Charlie is by far my best student despite being in my class for only three years. He is hard working, willing and honest. He is an innocent and curious man with good intentions. Although, since I teach at an adult rehabilitation centre none of my students are as smart as they could and should be. The same applies for Charlie he is thirty-seven years old but his mental age is either five or six. Despite that he has shown such commendable levels of motivation and enthusiasm that I feel he deserves every opportunity to advance intellectually. That is why I nominated him for a scientific experiment that involves increasing Charlie’s intelligence artificially. Dr Strauss has agreed with me and he feels that Charlie is perfect for his experiment. Ever since I have told him that he has been nominated for this experiment he’s been extremely eager. I can’t wait to see Charlie after the experiment. I have an extremely good feeling about the outcome of this experiment. I know Charlie will be an exemplary candidate!
Journal Entry 2: May 26th
I finally met Charlie today! I was a little worried but I knew things would work out fine. I could not believe myself when he personally wrote me a letter and asked me out for dinner. He looked at me with a happy face and said, “Don’t worry Ms Kinnian! I’m not smart yet! Oh yeah, you know, my friends Joe Carp and Frank Reily are so nice! They took me outside to a bar last night. I had a lot of fun. Frank asked me to get a coffee but when I came back he was gone. Plus I had a bad headache but that doesn’t matter I had a lot of fun anyways! They are my best friends.” I felt bad