This article is about a buddy-reading …show more content…
This article explains that the older children learned and improved their fluency because the buddy-reading project helped them become more familiar with words and books’ structures. Also, I learned that fluency in older children means being able to read a text rapidly and accurately. In addition, I learned that reading aloud and with expression is an ability of a fluent reader. Last but not least, I learned that comprehension is understanding the overall meaning of a text.
There are several things that I would like to learn more about. For starters, I would like to know if the buddy-reading project has been replicated in other areas. Also, I would like to know if the buddy-reading program has more benefits than the ones provided in the article. Also, I would like to know whether the students had to create their own activities and present them to their teacher before they completed them with the preschoolers or whether the teacher had them choose an activity from a certain list of activities. Lastly, I would like to read and learn more about Lev Vygotsky’s theory, which states that “children use their language experiences to become aware of their own thinking so they can link their ideas to the ideas of others, which serves to expand their thoughts and learning” (Seitz & Bartholomew, 2014, p. …show more content…
In the article, it explains that Ms. Bartholomew, a school administrator, first contacted the preschool center where she wanted to take the second and third graders. Therefore, I will first present the idea of the buddy-reading project to my school’s administrator. If he/she approves the project, I will ask him/her for permission to go into the pre-kindergarten classrooms at my school or ask for help contacting preschool centers that would allow us to go read to their students. Furthermore, the article mentions that the children chose pre-school level books to read to the younger children. Thus, I will go to the school’s or public library and rent several appropriate books for preschoolers, such as Chicka Chicka Boom Boom. Then, I will have each of my students pick one of those books. The article states that the teachers gave the second and third grade students advice on how and where the children should read the books; therefore, I will make sure to suggest strategies to my students to help them keep their preschool partners engaged. Last but not least, the article mentions that the children practiced reading their books before they read them to the preschoolers; therefore, I will have each of my students read their book to the class as if they were reading to their preschool