To present solutions that would clearly define the extent of Information Technology unit’s responsibilities and authority to the bank’s other units, and also to find solution to the bank units’ seemingly lack of clearly defined delineation of functions and accountability.
Marshal Pinkard is a president and CEO of FMB&T a growing California-based regional commercial and consumer retail bank. The successful, leading edge banks used information technology not only to operate efficiently but also to help them focus more effectively on customer needs.
The main causes of the frustration that Ayishia Coles feels is that there is no exact or clear statement of her personal responsibilities and authority. Ayishia Coles is in a very difficult position because the unit managers of other departments are coming to her with problems that they expect to be fixed the same day. Most of the problems that Ayishia Coles is experiencing also come from the fact that many of the problems that are brought to her involve more than one department and when a problem is brought to an individual department they do not want to take responsibility for it. It does not seem like the organization has clearly defined the goals and individual functions of each departments .
In addition, the IT staff was increasingly feeling underused , and they want opportunities to create new IT developments to contribute to the company’s success.
a. Relationship between IT Department and other bank business units is mixed up causing considerable confusion, friction and inefficiency.
b. Work request are vague and not coordinated and consolidated to