System of suitability of particular food items:-
Batch cooking is used in hotels, restaurants, banquets, conference and meetings, events, night clubs, bars and cafes. The restaurants serve the food in table service and the menu is an a la carte.
Call order is used in cafes, pubs, bars and night clubs. The foods are served as table service, counter service and plate service; it is an a la carte menu.
Centralized it is used in events, in flights, conference and meetings. The foods are server as plate service which is set menu. It can be an a la carte or table d hote menus,
Assembly kitchen it is used in events, banquets, conference and meetings. The foods are served as silver service, plate service, guerdion service and table service. It can be table d hote menus.
Sous-vide it is used in hotels, restaurants, conference and meetings. The foods are served as silver service, plate service, guerdion service and table service. It can be a la carte or table d hote menus.
Cook-chill it is used in hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars, cafes and night clubs. The foods are served as service, plate service, guerdion service, table service and counter service. It can be a la carte or table d hote menus.
Table service is used in hotels, restaurants, cafés, banquets, conference and meetings. It can be a la carte or table d hote menus.
Plate service is used in hotels, restaurants, cafés, event, banquets, conference and meetings. It can be a la carte or table d hote menus.
Counter service is used in cafes, pubs, bars and night clubs. It can be a la carte menus.
Silver service is used in hotels, restaurants and banquets. It can be a la carte or table d hote menus.
Guerdion service is used in hotels, restaurants, events and banquets. It can be a la carte or table d hote