Visual Components of Food Packaging that affects Consumer Purchasing Behavior
Research Problem:
There are several crucial matters that could lead to the promotion of an organization in the present competitive world. One factor which may lead to promotion is customer satisfaction. Not knowing how consumers behave will result in organizations not taking appropriate measures to meet the expectations and needs of consumers (Hawkins and Coney, 2010). This may jeopardize the overall organization in terms of reputation and performance. Therefore, it is important to consider factors which help increase customer satisfaction.
The role of packaging design as a medium of communication is growing steadily. In order to achieve proper communication, it is necessary for organizations to obtain reliable data and information regarding their consumer’s psychological patterns. Consumer behavior has been a major issue of interest for market researchers during the past decade. Various consumer behaviors exist due to influential factors surrounding the consumers themselves. These factors include geographic location, cultural influence, age, gender and profession of the target market. These factors determine the purchasing patterns of the consumers everywhere. By identifying the relation of different components of food packaging with consumer behavior, we can measure the strengths and weaknesses of a company entering the competitive market. When we take various characteristics of food packaging into consideration, details such as design, color, shape and size are determinants towards a consumer’s purchasing patterns. What components of a package have an ultimate effect on consumer choice in a case of different products?
Research Purpose:
This research aims to investigate the relation between packaging components in food products and consumer purchasing behavior, how these details affect a consumer’s perspective and decision towards buying the product and how these
References: Hawkins, D, Best, R., & Coney, K. (2010). Consumer Behavior: Building Marketing Strategy. (9th.ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. Ksenia, P. (2013). Packaging design as a Marketing tool and desire to purchase. International Business. [e-journal] 72. Available through: [Accessed 25 September 2013] Ahmadi, G, Bahrami, H, & Ahani, M 2013, 'An Investigation of Visual Components of Packaging on Food Consumer Behavior ', Business & Economic Research (BER), 3, 2, pp. 1-11, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 September 2013. Clement, J 2007, 'Visual influence on in-store buying decisions: an eye-track experiment on the visual influence of packaging design ', Journal Of Marketing Management, 23, 9/10, pp. 917-928, Business Source Complete, EBSCOhost, viewed 25 September 2013.