open. I learned a lot from this experience because it reminded me how lucky I am to have food to eat every day. Food is something that I just tend to assume everyone has plenty of because I have never had to worry a day in my life where my next meal was going to come from. Also, this experience made me realize that the people that go to food pantries aren’t people who are too lazy to get job. Many of the people that I saw coming to the food pantry would obviously have a hard time getting a well-paying job.
Another situation that I was made aware of was that families needed food and it surprised me to realize that there were kids in need of food that lived near me. I come from a fairly wealthy town and had not realized that there were so many families that lived near me in need of food. I cannot imagine being a young child and have to worry if my mom or dad was going to be able feed me dinner. This experience made me realize how important it is to donate to the local food pantry. Citizenship will be very important in my career because if you want to get good publicity for a business it is important to help the community. Citizenship will be even more important to me as a person because volunteering has a way of making me feel like I am helping making a positive change. When I get into my career I plan to donate to food pantries often because this experience made me realize that not all people have the means to support themselves. I actually plan to start volunteer at the food pantry in the summer because they seemed like they could use some help and the volunteers were very gracious that I was helping them out. I learned through this project that not
everyone has it as easy as I do.