On the Course Schedule you will see several fascinating videos that focus on questions we are addressing in the course.
For each unit you should choose one of these videos to view.
For that video, you will write a formal reaction paper that will be due as listed on the Course Schedule. The assignments system will not accept papers after this period.
1. ✓Do use essay form.
2. ✓Don't include extra space between paragraphs -- simply hit the return key one time at the end of a paragraph.
3. ✓These essays should be formatted as follows:
4. Name and title of video on first line (do not include the name of the course, my name, the date, etc.)
5. two to three pages (2 full pages minimum)
6. double spaced
7. 12 point font
8. 1 inch margins on all four sides (this may require you to manually change the default settings on the Word processing software)
9. ✓Don't forget, you are also learning how to write in this class. Proofread Proofread Proofread!
10. ✓Do review the documents on writing in the Student Tips folder of the Resources section prior to beginning your essay.
These writings should NOT be summaries of the video, but your reactions about what you saw and heard in it, and may include questions, commentary, assessments, analysis, protests, opinions, or any combination of these.
Your Video Reaction Papers must address the answers to the following questions:
1. What are the names of the cultures represented?
2. Whose voice or point of view is on the soundtrack and how does that influence your reaction to the film?
3. Do you think the presence of the camera and film crew may have influenced the actions of the people presented? Why or Why not?
4. Does the film create empathy or disgust? Why or Why not? For whom?
5. What are the important themes of this unit of the course? Be Specific.
6. Does the film fit into these themes? Why or Why not?
7. How did you feel during the viewing of the film and afterward?