Dr. Schiff
September 10 2013
Football Camp (Essay #1) Football camp this year was easy, especially for me. As a kicker and punter I did not do much hitting or running any drills or anything like that. I really just kicked and punted at the beginning of practice then sat on the bench for 2 hours and watched everyone else practice. The only very difficult part of camp was the conditioning test and the running, which was not bad at all. What I thought was interesting about football camp was the fact that the coaches made an upperclassman stay with a freshman during camp to make sure the freshman went to all of the meetings. It worked we rarely had anyone miss any of the meetings. Another interesting thing about camp is that all of our practices were the same time as the game times of our season for example our first game was at Bentley College in Boston. The game started at 12pm so our first practice was at 12pm. The times like this went on the entire camp. Camp this year was not a good camp for the team. We could have done a lot more training and I think that if we would have, we would have come out of camp a better team. Football camp definitely bonded our team together though. No matter how much people messed up during camp no one ever let another teammate get down. We supported each other a lot during the running test and the running we had to do during practice. All in all I think that camp was a new experience for not only me but all the incoming freshman this year. I feel that if we had worked harder that we could have come out of camp a better team.