As shown in our time table below we have many soccer activities planned our for our kids. Activities such as scrimmages require pinnies so we can identify who is on what team. The majority of the money will be going into topnotch jerseys specialized for our camp as well as track pants. These two clothing items are costly which is why we plan to charge a significant amount to register which we will then use to pay your bank back. The registration fee per child will be $250. We train our kids with soccer drills 3 times a week and scrimmages 10 times a week. For drills and scrimmages we would require pylons so we can work on dribbling as well as the other numerous activities which pylons would be needed in. In case someone gets hurt it is important we have first aid kits. Lastly we want to make out kids feel special so we ordered some trophies for our best, nicest players. …show more content…
We have so much more than what we have put in this letter to offer. I strongly believe with all this equipment and training we can win the region’s soccer camp