The novel turning point is the incident at the wedding, due to the fact, she thought she could’ve been a part of something “we” that’s the term she used. Frankie or Frances continuously believed that her brother and her son to be sister in law will bring her along to their honeymoon. Her main focused was the wedding and her flee. As a result of her …show more content…
She implies that “the wedding was like a dream”(135). Begging them to take her along, was screaming to them but they drove away, without looking back at her. She was hoping she could talk her brother and the bride alone about her plans, tagging along with them. But, they were to busy, and didn't have the time to talk. Narrator stated “If only she had written it down on the typewriter in advance, so that she could had it to them and they would read”(137).
John Henry’s death affect Frances’s because he was her cousin who was her only friend beside Berenice in the summer. Who she messed with, bossed around with and slept with to not feel lonely.He died because he had meningitis which is an inflammation of the meninges caused by viral or bacterial infection and marked by intense headache and fever ( Google chrome). Frances couldn't believe it until everything was over.
The relationship between Berenice and Frances change at the book’s end since Frances’s attempt of leaving Alabama changed strongly. Due to the facts, Frances now have a friend named Mary Littlejohn and hangout with her most. On the other hand, Berenice had a lot on her plate, worrying about Honey who’s in jail because of drugs. Trying to find the solution by canvassing money, seeing a lawyers and admission to the