
Freddy The Frog-Personal Narrative

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Freddy The Frog-Personal Narrative
*insert illustration Freddie the frog was happy here—texts in the illustration
Freddy the frog was happy because the noise was not going to harm him. He turned around and hopped out of the shed and around the corner. There he spied a rusty bike resting against the old antique shop. *page is color please Freddy got a terrific idea! Wouldn’t it be fun to ride a bike around the countryside? He would be able to see far more sights as he could travel much faster and hopefully not get as tired. But he had no bike! *page in color please
Freddy thought to himself. “Maybe I could borrow THIS bike. I will return it as soon as I get back.” He knocked on the door of the store. He waited. No one answered. He knocked again. Same
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here texts in the illustrations please

They decided to hop back on the bike and follow the river for a while. The sun shone brightly as it glistened on the water. How warm and comfortable they felt as they pedaled their way on the path next to the river. *insert In a short time.... here - -.texts in the image please

In a short time, they saw something in the distance that they didn’t recognize. What could those things be? They pedaled a little faster. Soon they got as close as they dared. *insert They were chatting...... here---.texts in the picture pls. They were chatting between themselves, discussing the strange sight, when they heard “Ribbit.” Who was that?
They answered “Ribbit, ribbit.” From around the corner hopped a small green frog that recognized them. Susie was one of their friends from years ago. They chatted eagerly about the fun they had in the old days when they played together in the old millpond. “How did you get HERE?” Philip questioned. *insert Do you remember..... here “Do you remember the twins that visited each summer? Well, one day that freckled face boy stuffed me into his pocket and took me with
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They called these people Indians. Some of the Indians were friendly but many were not.” *insert Spread across 2 pages Freddie squeaked... She continued,
Freddy squeaked, “I’m afraid to go home now because there might be an unfriendly Indian watching and waiting for me.”
“Don’t worry,” said Susie, “today’s Indians are just like everyone else.” *insert Spread across 2 pages Freddie squeaked... She continued,

She continued, “It was hard to survive, but somehow some of the settlers made it. After awhile, some Indians showed them how to grow crops. They were shown how to plant corn, pole beans, and squash all in the same hole. This planting became known as the three sisters’ garden. When I hear these stories, I learn about how this country became settled and how brave the people were who came here.” *Color page

“Susie, what an interesting life you have had. Thank you for the stories. I hope we’ll be able to come back again for another visit. We better get back home and return this bike. Maybe they will let us borrow it another day,” responded Freddy. *insert Back Cover andSpread acr. 2 pgs Susie, what an... The two friends

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