Sunderland University Program
Organizations and Behaviour
Organizations Structure – Culture and Approaches
Vietnam Airlines – Cathay Pacific
Mai Nhật Quỳnh – Grisia
Danang, 30th October, 2014
Table of Contents
Introduction 3
1.1 Compare and contrast different organisational structures and cultures 4
1.1.1 Organization Structure 4
1.1.2 Culture 6
1.2 Explain how the relationship between an organisation’s structure and culture can impact on the performance of the business 7
1.2.1 The relationship between an organization’s structure and culture 7
1.2.2 The effects of structure and culture on business performance 7
1.3 Discuss the factors which influence individual behaviour at work 8
2.1 Compare the effectiveness of different leadership styles in different organisations 10
2.1.1 Vietnam Airlines 10
2.1.2 Cathay Pacific 11
2.2 Explain how organizational theory underpins the practice of management 12
2.2.1 Scientific management 12
2.2.2 Bureaucratic organization 12
2.2.3 The human relations approach 13
2.2.4 The systems approach 13
2.2.5 Contingency approach 13
2.3 Evaluate the different approaches to management used by different organisations. 14
Conclusion 16
Bibliography 17
The assignment is about six outcomes of Organizations and Behavior subject. The scenario company is Vietnam Airlines, founded in 1956, but the company is now under is Pham Viet Thanh as Chairman. The company focuses on developing, expand, improve its products and services, and modernize its ageing fleet (Vietnamairlines, 2011). The other company to compare with Vietnam Airlines is Cathay Pacific, which is one of Asia’s leading airlines connecting to Oceania, Europe, North America, Asia and the Middle East, was founded on 24 September 1946 by American Roy C. Farrel and Australian Sydney H. de Kantzow, but now under John Slosar as CEO. With over 29,800 employees, Cathay Pacific provides its customer a memorable flight with
Bibliography: Cathay Pacific. (2013). Retrieved 2014, from cathaypacific: Cathay Pacific Cathay Pacific Airways. (2014, June 8). Retrieved 2014, from Cathay Pacific Overview Cathaypacific. (2004). Retrieved 2014, from Contingency Approach (2014). Stress and Change. In Frederick, Individual Behavior at Work II. Frederick Taylor and Scientific Management. (n.d.). Retrieved Octorber 26, 2014, from netmba: Sustainable Development Report 2013 The Systems Approach. (2008). Retrieved 2014, from education-portal: Vietnam Airlines Company Limited Prospectus Vietnam Airlines Company Limited Prospectus. (2014, September). Retrieved Octorber 27, 2014, from hsx: Vietnamairlines What Is Democratic Leadership? (n.d.). Retrieved 2014, from education-portal: Cathay Pacific (2012) (2012) What Is Democratic Leadership? (n.d.) Elson Peh. (2009). Organizational structure, culture and business performance. Available: Business Blog from Atlantic Canada . Daniel, D. (2008) Factors Which Influence Individual Behaviour Shetty, N. (2011) Leadership Style at Cathay Pacific.