Instead of going for something that takes longer because it is going to cost much more. Also, the high costs of your student loans will stop you from getting a car, or the house that you want to buy. Having high student loans to payback can be stressful on people because they have a huge bill and even though you …show more content…
Free education should not just benefit individuals with degrees. Free education must have a system to reward university certificate to individuals. A lot of individuals in America agree that college tuition should be free. There are many reasons why you should expect college to be free. You have other countries who have free college tuition. For people like myself college is very essential for building a career so why shouldn’t it be free? At least every community college or university should allow students their first two years of college to be free.
You have people in this society who want to get their education but can’t because it’s to “expensive”. The government is really stingy with their money and they don’t think about the positive always the negative. The government have made K-12 free because it was good for the society and individuals. If college were free there probably wouldn’t be as much crime as there is now because people would enjoy themselves at an institution without worrying about paying his or her loans off at a certain given amount of time once they