April 8, 2014
Research Paper
What is friendship? Friendship is a word used to describe many different kinds of personal relationships. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines friendship as "the quality or condition of being friends". Many people are just acquaintances, yet they call it a friendship but true friends know the difference. A heavy burden is placed on Friendship. We turn to our friends for comfort and happiness. When it comes to finding a friend one has to know what a friendship is. A relationship needs to have some key elements in order to be labeled as a friendship. Friendship has to go both ways he or she must also believe you are their friend also. People who are genuinely ones friend put ones friendship above being right or trying to be superior. A friend is defined as a person whom one knows, likes, and trusts. This type of a relation is friendship. In every society in the world people have and follow this relationship and support it. In some societies this relationship is given more importance than others. In our society friends are given almost the same attention as ones family member. Family is the closest relationship a person has, and if that is disturbed a friend can be very helpful. A relationship is defined by “self-sacrificing love” and is developed through two people who support, sympathizes with, and encourages each other despite the circumstances. Once these qualities are found, then one identify the relationship a friendship. Friendship means a lot to people but only some know about self-sacrificing love when you know what that means you a truly a friend to the end. Self-Sacrifice is the sacrifice of one's own desires, interest, etc. But it's different for each person. It can mean you would give your life for that person or it could mean you would/are forced to change everything about you for that person. Is knowing that you will risk your life or make a sacrifice