ECE 201 Intro to Early Childhood Behavior Management
Debra Lawrence
January 27th, 2014
Behavioral Support Plan
What is a behavioral support plan you ask? Behavioral Support Plans (BSP) assist a broad range of students deemed by the school to require additional support and guidance. ( Of course these are only created after assessments are carefully conducted and reviewed thoroughly among the teacher, any other school faculty needed, student involved, and student’s family. Specific plans can be created for students who have been diagnosed or display severe behavior disorders, require additional assistance due to the difficult, challenging, …show more content…
How do you know for a fact that the behavior(s) at hand is/are truly challenging? These with probably a million more are all questions that will be asked of you when you propose a Behavioral Support Plan. In order to be prepared to answer all these questions you will need to conduct behavioral assessments to support your concerns regarding any type of challenging behavior. This will assure that you aren’t heading into war without any weapons, so to speak. Conducting any and all necessary assessments will allow you to find the functions of each behavior you have proposed, specifically the Functional Behavioral Assessment. The functional assessment (a teacher’s way of collecting data) reveals the purpose of the challenging behavior by focusing on the environment immediately surrounding it (Carr, …show more content…
This allows you to focus on the child and the behavior that occurred quickly and effectively. During this time we need to explain what kind of behavior we expect from them when they are in a situation like they were in hopes that the behavior doesn’t continue to occur. If it does we can take it a step further and create a chart for the child. For every day they go without a biting or hitting incident we can reward them with a sticker. At the end of the week if progress is made we can offer a significant reward such as toys/games/books that interest them or extra free time. It is important though to give positive reinforcement daily until you reach the end of the week. This allows the child to know that their good deeds are not going unnoticed. If any of the above doesn’t work we can address the issue even more personally. Meaning that if the child cannot do/behave how they are asked to consequences such as not receiving the reward at the end of the week, or less extra free time being