Oct 20, 2013
Report # 8
Video: “The brain in love”
By: Helen Fisher
Anthropologist Helen Fisher and her research team studies gender difference and evolution of human emotions, took MRIs of people in love, and people who had just been dumped. Fisher explains in this video our physical need for romantic love, and to learn more about it. Helen Fisher talks about her research by putting thirty two people who are madly in love into function MRI brain scanner , the result shows that seventeen people were happy in love, and fifteen who just been dumped. Fisher explains in this video that people around the world live, and die for love, as researchers studies found evidence of romantic love in a hundred seventy societies, they never found a society without love.
Helen Fisher mentions in her video that love isn’t always a happy experience. In one study of college students they asked a lot of questions about love, and the two common questions were have you ever been rejected by someone you loved? And have you ever dumped somebody that really loved you? Result shows that almost 95% of both men and women answered yes to both questions. Romantic love is one of the most powerful sensations on earth. Fisher explains that when we are in love our brain just focus on that individual. Studies found a little factory into the base of the brain cells called the VTA that controls our emotion and thinking, associate with wanting, motivation, and focus, it’s also the same become active when it feels the rush of cocaine. Fisher explains that romantic love is an obsession; it makes humans lose their sense of self, unable to stop thinking of another human being.
The video also mentions that love obsession may get worse when you get rejected. Finding that activity in three brain regions, that brain focusing on rewarding and wanting, to win what they want, and in that case is their partner, also the brain starts being active on calculating losses, and what went