Lady …show more content…
What would this news be?
Lady Capulet: Well, yo’ father is a very kind man. He has planned a day of happiness for yo’ little heart, and will make you stop moping ‘round the trailer.
Juliet: [sighs in relief] Well, that’s a good thing. What is this day of happiness he’s planned?
Lady Capulet: [giddy] Next Thursday mornin’ that kind boy named Paris is gonna make you his sweet little bride! Oh, ain’t it lovely, Juliet?
Juliet: [angry] Heavens, no! Why would I marry a man that hasn’t even taken me on a date yet, Mama? Tell Papa that I ain’t gonna marry Paris, or anyone yet. If I were to marry, I’d marry Romeo! Though, you know I hate him.
Lady Capulet: [annoyance] Fine! You’re as stubborn as a mule! I can hear yo’ father comin’ back from the diner, so why don’t you tell him what yo’ little heart desires?
[Lord Capulet and Nurse enter.]
Lord Capulet: Even after my nephew’s death, you’re still crying? What’s yo’ problem, baby? Yo’ eyes look like Niagra Falls! [turns to Lady Capulet] Have you told her ‘bout my decision?
Lady Capulet: I did, honey. She said no thanks! I wish the idiot would just drop dead