Page * Introduction 1. Sexual gap in Japan 2 2. Background information in family gap and policies in Japan 2 3. Aim and objectives of the report 2
* Workplace 1 1. The difference on impersonal affair in dimension of political occupation 3 2. Employment status in career 3
* Workplace 2 1. The employment status of information technology in Japan 4 2. Differences on ability and consideration between male and female 5
* Comparisons 1. Impact from politician and information technology worker to Japan 5 2. Impact to society 5 3. Main role of two subject and how difference in gender gap 5
* Possible future changes 1. Predictions of employment status and development Japan to be equality 6
* Conclusion 1. Overall trends and how Japan going for the future with gender gap 6 * The reference list
1. Bibliography 7
1. Sexual gap in Japan
Japan is one of the important countries of the world. However, in sexual gap situation Japan is place on lowest position in group of eight countries that have largest economies or called G8. According to the world economic forum (2012), report that Japan ranked at 101st on year 2012 in gender gap of all counties around the world. The report of gender gap was based on four factor; employment rate and salary, educational background, health and survival rate, and political participation. In Japan most of Japanese women are being housewives and this is a one point that making Japan being lager gender gap.
2. Background information Family gap and policies in Japan
Male and female in between two gender female have more responsibilities on their family than male. In Japan, women that married being
Bibliography: * Bowers, A. J. (2012). Does recreational computer use affect high school achievement? Educational Technology Research and Development. * Buss, D. M. (1996). Sex, Power, Conflict. oxford: Oxford University Press. * Dobbins, G. H. (1986). Sex Differences in Leadership: How Real Are They? The Academy of Management Review, 118-127. * Kumlin, J. (2007). The sex wage gap in Japan and Sweden. European sociological review, 203-221. * Sheel, R. (2003). Women in Politics in Japan. Economic and Political Weekly, 4097-4101. * Takako, K. (2000). Cultural aspects of violence against women in Japan. Lancet, 1810. * World economic forum,(2012),The global gender gap report 2012,