Whereas women go into education, nursing, and psychology. All fields compensate differently. A man in engineering may make a higher salary than a women in healthcare. The career choice process occurs throughout the life cycle as individuals make a series of decisions that have occupational consequences. Sociologists who examine the processes by which individuals choose careers have focused primarily on later stages when individuals actually choose to enter jobs rather than on the decisions to move into activities at earlier stages on the paths leading to specific careers. However, as noted above, gender differences in the selection of activities that constrain occupational choices often occur earlier in the life cycle. This is especially evident in the case of professions like engineering or the physical sciences must usually be made during the first or second year of college (Seymour and Hewitt, …show more content…
Job experience is a major factor in employment opportunities and wage rate. The more years one works the greater the opportunity to reap the benefits of higher earnings. So, for example, were one never to works, marketable human capital benefits would be zero, independent of how many professional or Ph.D. degrees one acquires. In a similar vane, dropping out of the labor force to bear and raise children reduces lifetime work years, which in turn decreases the potential rewards from human capital. These reward reductions decrease the value of human capital investment (Polachek,