(Shamie, 1986). In contrary to this gender wage gap may be expressed as gender pay gap.
It is identified that the gender wage gap does not consistently accustom to part time workers earnings. It is absolutely 17.5 since this is the current percentage of average earnings that is held compulsory. Reasons for gender wage gap There are reasons as to why the gender wage gap happens. These reasons include the congressional District whereby the state does not administer the stack up of the gender workers hence there are disparities encountered. The second reason explores that, people have been wondering about the gender wage gap whereby men have been getting paid much more payment than women (Hirsch, 2010). There are people perspectives which lay a foundation that women are getting paid less because they choose lower paying jobs as well as working part time than the male. In moral view, within the US a gender wage gap has already been spotted to have affected women of all ages, education levels, different races and also ethnicity. However, women have been experienced the gender wage gap even though some states are worse in gender wage gap than
others. The gender wage gap has taken its place in most of the states in a way that its worse for women of color. Probably all women are affected by the gender wage gap but for the women of color are not affected so worse. Moreover, the Asian American womens salary shows the smaller gender pay gap preferably at 90 in comparison to the white mens earning. On the other side, the salary for the Hispanic women indicates a largest gender pay gap of 54 in comparison to white mens earnings. This aspect explores how men are certainly used as benchmark because they are believed to make the largest demographic group in labor force (Farrell, 2005). The other reason why gender pay exists is because of the way women grow in their age the way gender wage gap tends to grows and increase. Therefore the gender wage gap appears seemingly as a result of the growth of womens age. This is because the women earning about 90 of what their counterpart earns are unfortunately paid till they attain 35 years. When the age ranges higher, there is a median earning for the women which ranges from 75 to 80 compared to what their counterparts earns. In a moral view, there are theoretical reasons which explain why the globalization has experienced the gender pay gap (Oostendorp, 2004). This is as a result of the occupational gender wage gap which seems to attribute to narrowing of the GDP increase per capita, significantly narrowing an impact of the trade together with the FDI net inflows preferably on the occupational gender wage gap, the impact net inflows on the high skills occupational wage gap which is quite poorer in countries and also wage setting institutions which have impact on occupational gender wage gap in the most developed nations. The Causes of gender wage gap The discrimination is one cause of the gender wage gap. This is because discrimination takes much more subtle and pervasive form. In time of the career shaping assignments, women are termed to be discriminated. Different balance of paid and unpaid work that women and men undertake in their lifetime or the career breaks (Moe, 2003). There have been much more stereotyping about the kind of the work which is appropriately for the women. This factor tends to hinder womens advancement preferably for the womens advancement. The different industries which women work compared to men and the under-valuation of the occupations to which women are largely employed and womens skills (Farrell, 2005). The other point illustrates that not all jobs are open for women since most of the jobs have been dominated by males and women are unable to experience circumstance like hostile working environments. The other cause of the gender pay wage is the way the pay is set or the pay setting methods. This factor explores how the companies fail to address unfair and even haphazard pay practices. The companies do not provide a pay policy which has to show the workers the payment system based on objectivity criteria (Shamie, 1986). However, the current laws are not quite strong enough to curb the gender wage gap. The other cause of the gender wage gap is the market forces which does not eliminate discrimination. The market forces have failed to eliminate the salary inequities. The choices regarding the gender wage gap Men and women tend to choose the different majors in college and also work in different occupations after college. This aspect means that men and women make choices which affects their salary and also affects the pay gap. Men are known so far to choose careers which are dangerous and they end up being paid more than women (Farrell, 2005). Men are also far more from women in working higher paying fields and occupations to which they prefer by their choice. The women are known to work fewer hours even when they work full time. The Bureau of the labor statistics defined the working of the full time as 35 hours week or even more than that. Men tend to work in less desirable destinations much more than their counterparts (Moe, 2003). Men are unfortunately identified to work for longer hours than women do in their professionalism. The women are mostly likely to leave workforce or work part time when they have young children (Oostendorp, 2004). The unmarried women who actually do not have child are termed to be earning much more than the unmarried men. The choices can be accounted for some of the differences in salaries but not necessarily to the whole issue. It is also known that the women businesses owners generates less than half of what the male owners tend to make and which eve their boss does not attain and they end up creating independent of discrimination which results in gender wage gap (Farrell, 2005). Most often, men are likely to work on weekends to which they work more and end up earnings during evening and weekends. In other terms of economy, there is a positive relationship between gender wage gap and the economic level of development. Gender wage gap relevant facts Considering the world, there relevant of the gender wage gap outlines that individuals and also the society as a whole, the gender pay gap closes with a matter of equality. This is because the gender equality is consistently a matter of fairness and equity. Moreover, the opportunities in life must not be determined by the gender. The other fact explores that the organizations which pays their employees fairly regardless of the gender tend to attract the talented staff with better morale and also motivation hence resulted in an increased productivity. In business, removing the barriers for the women to work involves removing of the gender pay gap and it broadened the talent tool through tapping the operation into a large proportion of new talent entering into the market (Hirsch, 2010). The other facts explores that the pay gap has been budged preferably in most time whereby there was allocation of the full-time, year round workers and the women were actually paid 80 of what their counterparts were paid. The women were identified to have been experiencing gender wage gap nearly in every occupation. It was also known that the gender wage gap existed among the women without even children. The gender pay gap is actually real and it is pervasive as well as affecting all women. The individuals, communities and employers need to take an action against the gender wage gap. Certainly, the occupational gender wage gap falls with an increase of the economy development, foreign investment and trade (Shamie, 1986). The globalization has been identified to have worsened the gender wage gap preferably through trade which affects the compensation paid to relatively scarce factors of economy production. Furthermore, if the female workers within the developed economies have the lower skills than their male counterpart then there is possibility of the female wage being affected by an increase in trade developing countries than the men. This means that the skills tend to affect the gender wage gap hence increasing it. The gender wage gap has been identified as a bogus simply because women work quite less and opt for much more benefits, the wage gap in between the same field which is presented by bias, the women significantly fall behind men in the works place, most of the dangerous jobs which are worked by men pays higher wages and the push for the comparable worth lead (Oostendorp, 2004). The gender wage gap has impacted the society through indication of the gender inequality preferably in the labor market. This aspect exposes that male and female participation in payment workforce to have differed consistently in most of the regions. The gender wage gap is possibly to affect the gender inequalities within the society. In conclusion, the gender wage gap reinforces the gender norms and impact the distribution of revenues and also labor within household. Meaning that, the gender wage gap reflects gendered division of the household labor preferably by caring for the sick and household considered as womens work. The gender implications in the society are consistently constrains to the growth, increased poverty as well as wealth effect and well being of the families and communities. Furthermore, the gap between male and womens wages have been declined over a decade and it still remains as a difficult situation for women to acquire the equal pay (Moe, 2003). There is a mitigation which has reduced the gender wage gap and it the womens access to the higher education. The women are identified to be indeed of the additional degree so that they may be quite enough to compete with men in terms of closing the gap. References Shamie, S. (1986). Narrowing the gender wage gap Is equal value legislation the answer. Kingston, Ont., Canada Industrial Relations Centre, Queens University at Kingston. Hirsch, B. (2010). Monopsonistic labour markets and the gender pay gap Theory and empirical evidence. Berlin Springer Verlag. Farrell, W. (2005). Why men earn more The startling truth behind the pay gap--and what women can do about it. New York American Management Association. Oostendorp, R. H. (2004). Globalization and the gender wage gap. Washington The World Bank, Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, Gender Division. Moe, K. S., Wiley InterScience (Online service). (2003). Women, family, and work Writings on the economics of gender. 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