hold more rape-supporting beliefs than men who are not members of a fraternity. The answer to why the rise of sexual assault has increased in colleges involving fraternities is due to new members wanting to self-verify themselves by proving they can accomplish what past fraternity ‘brothers’ have done. Any of the past accomplishments can seem heroic to new comers, even if the actions involve illegal and unmoral activities. All the behaviors, attitudes, and identities of new members are shaped by previous members. This fraternity subculture behavior puts into perspective Mead’s theory of one’s self-identity resulting in the experience of social experience and interaction. We are shaped and molded by our environment, either it being our families or friends around us. If a man wants to verify who he is, he will act in what he believes is a masculine way. If he believes that what he has self-identifies as does not compare with the way his peers view him, he will adjust his behavior, either in a positive or negative manner.
hold more rape-supporting beliefs than men who are not members of a fraternity. The answer to why the rise of sexual assault has increased in colleges involving fraternities is due to new members wanting to self-verify themselves by proving they can accomplish what past fraternity ‘brothers’ have done. Any of the past accomplishments can seem heroic to new comers, even if the actions involve illegal and unmoral activities. All the behaviors, attitudes, and identities of new members are shaped by previous members. This fraternity subculture behavior puts into perspective Mead’s theory of one’s self-identity resulting in the experience of social experience and interaction. We are shaped and molded by our environment, either it being our families or friends around us. If a man wants to verify who he is, he will act in what he believes is a masculine way. If he believes that what he has self-identifies as does not compare with the way his peers view him, he will adjust his behavior, either in a positive or negative manner.